piece & love
global campaign - branding - strategy
_ " Jury award - global Campaign " 2019
Multiple owners : Clémentine Combret, Jérémy Lacour,
Noémie Bobot, Laurène Lacaze, Marie Antoniol, Juliette Taillefer©
+ concept
piece & love is a contemporary art exhibition allowing the public to exchange their small coins into colored tokens, which are then integrated into collective works created in partnership with artists. At the end of the weekend, the works are auctioned off, after a big closing concert. This event was imagined for the 4th anniversary of the association " Un rien c'est tout " and addresses the four major themes defended by it, namely,the right to dignity, health, environment and childhood & education.
+ moodboard & inspirations
+ graphic identity
To make our graphic sign, we have used the circular shape that can recall both tokens and coins. The circles are four in number, one for each theme of the association.
+ the name of the event : pièce & love
To name our event, we have chosen to use a known expression in the collective culture in order to make it popular and accessible to all. Since this gathering is a place of sharing and love and most of all an act of solidarity, it seemed important to us to insist on these notions.
Also, the association wanted a large-scale event, bringing together thousands of people. The use of French and English in our logo allows us both to make our word play powerful, but also to add a large-scale reach to our project; English being the universal language.
Example of posters for the event: on the left (or above), example of a teaser on a poster presenting the artist's existing work; right (or bottom), poster specific to the event.
Signs created for the event.
+ digital communication
The event is obviously present on the web, especially since it is the medium through which the association collects the most donations.
The website allows you to follow the progress of the collective works live and to make online donations, but also to find all the information about the different sites where the works take place, or to buy tickets for the closing concert.
Goodies of the event.